Best backgrounds for Video Conference Calls with Teams or Zoom
As more and more tools like Microsoft Teams or Zoom support custom background images for video chat, here are my personal favorites.
Due to Covid-19, most of us work from home currently, and Video Conference Tools are sometimes the only channel to communicate with the rest of the world. As more and more tools like Microsoft Teams or Zoom support custom background images for video chat, here are my personal favorites.
You can download the images from the gallery. I do not own any rights, so be careful when using them in a commercial context.
The Captain
Captains like to show off, so why don't you use your next daily, to present your new boat to your colleagues? The world is a crazy place these days so you have relocated your home office to the deck of your yacht.
The Bookworm
You like to demonstrate your education and erudition, so why not entering the next video call with your reading glasses on, a classic book in your hands and this background picture?
The Nerd
You have left earth for a few weeks but still join the regular update calls from the Death Star's throne room, the Enterprise bridge or together with your friends from the Millennium Falcon.
The Funny Guy
You are a clown and and being in quarantine can definitely feel like prison sometimes, so why not calling your boss from your prison cell? Too shabby? Pretend to be in the White House situation room instead, briefing the President via Skype.
You can download the images from the gallery. I do not own any rights, so be careful when using them in a commercial context.
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