How to run a SonarCloud scan during Docker builds for .NET Core
How to kick-off a SonarCloud scan during a build of a .NET Core Docker container.
SonarCloud is one of the most popular solutions for static code analysis in the context of modern DevOps processes. Here is how to kick-off a SonarCloud scan during a build of a .NET Core Docker container.
In your Dockerfile
, make sure to add some arguments for variables like SONAR_PROJECT_KEY
that can be replaced for every build later. Also, install the required components for a SonarCloud scan. For .NET Core, there are currently Java and the dotnet-scanner tool.
ARG SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=robinmanuelthiel_microcommunication
# Install Sonar Scanner, Coverlet and Java (required for Sonar Scanner)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk
RUN dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
RUN dotnet tool install --global coverlet.console
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
Next, start the Sonar scanner. Make sure, to do this, before you start building the .NET Core app.
# Start Sonar Scanner
RUN dotnet sonarscanner begin \
/d:sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN" \
Now you can start your build and tests. Once the build is completed, stop the Sonar scanner and upload the results.
# End Sonar Scanner
RUN dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN"
When building the Docker image, make sure to pass your SONAR_TOKEN
and other build arguments to the docker build
docker build . --build-arg SONAR_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxx
You can find an example of a full Dockerfile
below, that builds a .NET Core app in a container and runs a SonarCloud analysis during the build. You can build the image by passing
# Step 1: Build the application in a container #
# Download the official ASP.NET Core SDK image
# to build the project while creating the docker image
FROM as build
ARG SONAR_PROJECT_KEY=robinmanuelthiel_microcommunication
# Install Sonar Scanner, Coverlet and Java (required for Sonar Scanner)
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jdk
RUN dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner
RUN dotnet tool install --global coverlet.console
ENV PATH="$PATH:/root/.dotnet/tools"
# Start Sonar Scanner
RUN dotnet sonarscanner begin \
/d:sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN" \
# Restore NuGet packages
COPY *.csproj .
RUN dotnet restore
# Copy the rest of the files over
COPY . .
# Build and test the application
RUN dotnet publish --output /out/
RUN dotnet test \
/p:CollectCoverage=true \
/p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover \
# End Sonar Scanner
RUN dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login="$SONAR_TOKEN"
# Step 2: Run the build outcome in a container #
# Download the official ASP.NET Core Runtime image
# to run the compiled application
# Open port
# Copy the build output from the SDK image
COPY --from=build /out .
# Start the application
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "MyApp.dll"]
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