Sync Windows Sensors with tado Thermostat in Home Assistant
tado's built-in Window-Open-Detection never works. So I installed windows contacts and connected them to tado with Home Assistant.
tado Thermostats have a built-in Window-Open-Detection mechanism, which is based on a temperature sensor inside the thermostat to detect a sudden drop in temperature as an open window. Unfortunately, this never works. So I installed windows contacts and connected them to tado with Home Assistant.
tado's built-in Window-Open-Detection comes with several flaws:
- Very unreliable
- Requires a paid subscription
- Cannot detect, when a window got closed
Although the tado community has been requesting window contacts from tado for years, the company refused to offer some. So I had to come up with a self-made solution: I've built a Blueprint for Home Assistant, which observes one or many window sensors from any manufacturer (I chose the Aqara Door & Window sensor). If one of these windows gets opened, the heating in the room will be disabled. When the last open window got closed, the heating will continue.
Here is the blueprint:
All you need to do, is to place this script at the config/blueprints/automation/common/
folder of your Home Assistant installation. After a restart, you can connect the windows of each room with the tado heating room in the Automations UI.
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